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Bank of Cyprus Plc

Established in 1899 as Nicosia Savings Bank; in 1912 name changed to Bank of Cyprus and recognised as a public company.


1 200 USD
General Information
Banking products
Chequebooks, loans, credit facilities, mortgage, hire purchase, deposit of goods into bonded warehouse, shipping guarantees, letters of guarantee (tender, performance, advance payment, payment), bills for collection, negotiation of foreign bills
Account Types
Personal; Corporate; Current
Minimal Requirements
Minimum balance, €
No restrictions
Permissible number of transfers per month
The number of transactions permitted is not limited.
Efficiency of payment
Ordinary payments are executed during 2 days.
Transfer, € (for the amount of € 50 000)
SWIFT transfers in EUR outside Cyprus and the EU: 0.15%, min. 5 EUR, max. 400 EUR + processing fee 12 EUR.
Crediting, € (for the amount of € 50,000)
SWIFT transfers from other banks: charges for USD transactions: up to 2.000 EUR – 2 EUR + processing fee 12 EUR, from 2.000 EUR to 50.000 EUR – 10 EUR+ processing fee 12 EUR, over 50.000 EUR – 40 EUR + processing fee 12 EUR; charges for EUR transactions: within Cyprus – no charges; outside Cyprus – up to EUR 10 000 – processing fee EUR 12, from EUR 10 000 to 50 000 – EUR 4 + processing fee EUR 12, over EUR 50 000 – EUR 30 + processing fee EUR 12.
Account maintenance, € / year
Maintenance fee for IBU customers (International Business Units) is 150 EUR annually (for legal entities only).
Account Opening

General set of legal documents leading to the current status of a company. Documents are certified through Representative Office of the Bank.

Departure to the bank
No visit to the bank is required
Duration of application, months
There is no deadline for initial deposit.