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Bank of Singapore LTD

On 29 January 2010, ING Asia Private Bank (IAPB) was purchased by OCBC Bank, one of the leading Asian banks, and was named the Bank of Singapore. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of OCBC Bank. It has branches in Hong Kong, Dubai (UAE), and in the Philippines


2 070 USD
General Information
Banking products
The entire range of banking products
Account Types
Personal; Corporate; Savings
Minimal Requirements
Minimum balance, €
The minimum balance is USD 5.000.000
Permissible number of transfers per month
The account cannot be used as transactional. The permitted number of transactions is one per month
Efficiency of payment
The value date is same day, +4 hours to Moscow time
Transfer, € (for the amount of € 50 000)
The bank’s transfer fee is USD 80
Crediting, € (for the amount of € 50,000)
There is no fee on incoming transfers
Account maintenance, € / year
The bank does not charge a fee for account maintenance. For amounts of less than 500.000, the maintenance fee is USD 500 per year
Account Opening

A set of corporate documents, a copy of passport. No reference letters are needed

Departure to the bank
No visit to the bank is required. The bank’s representative visits Moscow every month
Duration of application, months
The initial deposit must be made within 6-12 months of the account opening