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CA Indosuez SA

On March 19, 2005 Credit Lyonnais (Suisse) SA (Est. 1876) and Credit Agricole Indosuez (Suisse) SA (created in 1999 as a result of the merger between the Swiss branches of Credit Agricole Indosuez and Banque du Credit Agricole (Suisse) SA), merged to form the above. On 2017, the Bank changed its name to CA Indosuez (Switzerland) SA.


1 640 USD
General Information
Banking products
Discretionary portfolio management, consulting, structured products, foreign-currency operations, precious metals, estate planning, financial engineering and specialized financing, credits, guarantees, cheque books.
Account Types
Personal; Corporate; Savings
Minimal Requirements
Minimum balance, €
Minimum balance for account opening: 3.000.000 CHF/USD/EUR.
Permissible number of transfers per month
As private banking is the core business, trading transaction is not a matter of priority and such transactions are effected on special terms and conditions which depend on account balance, customer potential, average amount of transactions, accompanying documents and etc.
Efficiency of payment
Payments in Swiss francs are made within the same day (if instructions are given until 12:00 local time), payments in EUR are effected until 15:00, and payments in USD are made until 17:00.
Transfer, € (for the amount of € 50 000)
Payments in CHF are free of charge, payments in USD - 25 USD for both payer and payee.
Crediting, € (for the amount of € 50,000)
Incoming payments are free of charge.
Account maintenance, € / year
Maintenance fees range from 200 to 400 CHF per year.
Account Opening

Domestic and foreign passports. Standard apostilled set of corporate documents. Full information about client’s business is necessary to fill in the bank forms.

Departure to the bank
No visit to the bank is required
Duration of application, months
It is advisable to deposit funds in account within 3 months.