The story of Raiffeisen Bank International AG begins in the middle of the nineteenth century and is closely associated with the name of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen (1818 – 1888). In 1862 the first cooperative banking association was formed in the town of Anhausen (Germany). In 1927 Raiffeisen Zentralbank (RZB) was founded as a central institution of Raiffeisen Banking Group. In 2005 Raiffeisen International (Member of RZB Group) emerged. In 2012 Raiffeisen Bank International AG was founded.
To open an account, it is necessary to explain in which way the company's business is connected with Austria.
It is necessary to provide the following documentation: copies of passports, introduction letters from other banks, a standard set of corporate documents, description of the corporate structure, completed questionnaire, information on all the shareholders with the share exceeding 25%