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Hermes Bank

Founded in 2012


1 420 USD
General Information
Banking products
Corporate and personal current accounts, fixed-term deposits and notice deposits, client’s funds management accounts available in many currencies
Account Types
Private; Corporate; Current
Minimal Requirements
Minimum balance, €
Minimum Initial Account Funding 5.000 EUR
Permissible number of transfers per month
There are no restrictions as to the number of transfers
Efficiency of payment
Same day or next day
Transfer, € (for the amount of € 50 000)
Fee for outgoing transfers 0.15% - min 10 EUR, max 350 EUR + Correspondent Charges (OUR) per transaction - 100 USD. Some day % of transaction - 0.05% - min 30 EUR, max 300 EUR
Crediting, € (for the amount of € 50,000)
Fee for incoming transfers in EUR: transfers of up to EUR 1.000 EUR – EUR 5; from EUR 1.000 to 10.000 – EUR 15; from EUR 10.000 to 50.000 – EUR 20; for transfers of over EUR 50 .000 – 40 EUR
Account maintenance, € / year
Annual maintenance fee is 40 EUR per month
Account Opening

Completed bank forms; copy of the client’s passport; proof of address; standard set of corporate documents

Departure to the bank
No visit to the bank is required
Duration of application, months
1 month